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game laws 狩獵法。

game licence

Politics is a game taking the distributing public power as a key content ; the essential difference between political theory and political philosophy is that the political theory studies the running laws of power games , but the political philosophy studies the legitimacy of games laws of public power ; a tradition of justice in classical western political philosophy has been shaped , the tradition of tiandao in classical chinese political philosophy is corresponding to it 摘要該文認為政治就是以公共權力分配為核心內容的游戲;政治學與政治哲學的根本區別在于政治學研究權力游戲規則的運行規律,而政治哲學則研究權力游戲規則的合法性;古典西方政治哲學所形成的是一種正義傳統,而它正與中國古典政治哲學的天道傳統相呼應。